45 tempo ultra wp label
PDF Tempo Ultra WP Label - DoMyOwn.com Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment. You may also contact 1-800-334-7577 for emergency medical treatment. Note To Physician:No specific antidote is available. Treat the patient symptomatically. PDF WP - Fluoride Action Network Apply this product only as specified on this label. This pesticide is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on crops or weeds. Do not apply TEMPO ULTRA WP Insecticide or allow it to drift onto crops or weeds on which bees are actively foraging.
PDF Bayer Environmental Science - University of Kentucky MSDS Number: 102000016285 TEMPO® ULTRA WP INSECTICIDE MSDS Version 2.1 Page 2 of 8 Chronic or Delayed Long-Term This product is not listed as a carcinogen by ACGIH, NTP, IARC or OSHA. However, it may contain crystalline silica (quartz), a substance which has been listed as a carcinogen by ACGIH, NTP and IARC. Crystalline silica is a naturally-

Tempo ultra wp label
Tempo WP Ultra Insecticide Product Bayer Tempo Ultra WP is the fastest-acting insect control on the market with broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests like the emeral ash ... Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide - DoMyOwn Tempo Ultra WP is a pyrethroid-based insecticide that is highly effective at controlling a broad range of insect pests, especially those found on turf and ... Tempo Ultra WP - Where to buy Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide - 14.8 oz (420 ... Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide - 14.8 oz (420 g) is a wettable powder and contains cyfluthrin that provides quick knockdowns and long lasting residual actions will insure that you only have to spray every two to three months. Active ingredient : Cyfluthrin -- 10% • Makes up to 42 gallons of finished spray solution for indoors. (420 g size)
Tempo ultra wp label. Tempo Ultra WP 432-1304 420 gram 100504AV1 SRL Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison ... TEMPO® ULTRA WP Insecticide or allow it to drift onto crops or weeds on which bees. PDF Subject: Label Amendment Dear Mr. Brill - US EPA Use Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide as a general surface, spot, mist, or crack & crevice treatment in and around buildings and structures. This includes schools, factories, stores, warehouses, hospitals, food processing facilities, and modes of transport. For a list of common facilities where this product may be used, see Appendix. PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - Rainbow Pest Experts TEMPO (cyfluthrin) 20 % 68359-37-5 OSHA : Not Established ACGIH: Not Established Ingredient 1968 1-5 % Specific chemical identity is withheld as a trade secret. OSHA : Not Established ACGIH: Not Established Total crystalline silica (quartz) <1 - 7 % 14808-60-7 OSHA : .10 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) ACGIH: .10 mg/m3 TWA (respirable) 3. HAZARDS ... Tempo Ultra WP Product Label - Backed By Bayer Tempo Ultra WP Product Label 2.75" 3" For broad-spectrum control of craw INSECTICIDE wling flying and wood CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. STOP - READ THE LABEL BEFORE USE. andV1 Directions for Use. Precautionary Statements for Complete Instructions and Booklet See Panel for First Aid A Reg. No. 432-1304 A
PDF ULTRA WSP - Fluoride Action Network Apply this product only as specified on this label. This pesticide is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on crops or weeds. Do not apply TEMPO ULTRA WP Insecticide or allow it to drift onto crops or weeds on which bees are actively foraging. SAFETY DATA SHEET TEMPO® 20 WP INSECTICIDE - Bayer TEMPO® 20 WP INSECTICIDE 2/11 Version 3.0 / CDN Revision Date: 01/29/2019 102000007122 Print Date: 01/31/2019 Harmful if swallowed. May form combustible dust concentrations in air. Conduct Dust Hazard Assessment (DHA). Precautionary statements Do not breathe dust or mist. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using ... Tempo SC Ultra: Does It Really Work? - Townhustle You need a sprayer, 1 Gallon of water, and Tempo SC Ultra. Use 8ML of Tempo SC Ultra for normal infestation and 16ML for large infestations. Fill the sprayer with half a gallon of water first. Now pour 8 ml of Tempo SC Ultra. Now fill with another half-gallon of water. Mix and the chemical solution is ready to be sprayed. Tempo WP Insecticide - Pest Control America LABEL - MSDS - Not for sale to CA, NY, VA, WA Tempo Ultra WP 1lb Jar A wettable powder that effectively controls a broad spectrum of indoor, outdoor, turf and ornamental pests. Tempo Ultra WP last up to 30 days. Tempo Ultra WP provides fast knockdown, is vurtually odor free, and leaves an nearly invisible residue.
PDF Bayer Environmental Science - UC Davis MSDS Number: 102000012497 TEMPO® SC ULTRA INSECTICIDE MSDS Version 1.1 Revision Date: 08/29/2008 Page 1 of 7 Bayer Environmental Science A Business Group of Bayer CropScience SECTION 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY INFORMATION Product Name TEMPO® SC ULTRA INSECTICIDE MSDS Number 102000012497 EPA Registration No. 432-1363 Tempo Ultra WP Product Label - Bayer Environmental Science Broadcast application to turf and foliar application to ornamentals. TEMPO ULTRA. WP INSECTICIDE. • Wettable powder containing 10% beta-cyfluthrin. Page 5 ... Tempo WP Ultra - Bayer Environmental Science US Tempo Ultra WP Zoom Back to products Also labelled for use in these areas: Lawn & Landscape Household Health General Insect Control Tempo WP Ultra Product Overview Key Benefits Use & Control Similar Products Termiticide Premise Pro Premise Pro provides superior protection for... See product Termiticide Premise Pre-Construction PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, TEMPO 10 WP INSECTICIDE, 3/26/2008 Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide, EPA Reg. No. 432-1304 Tempo Ultra WSP, EPA Reg. No. 432-1377 Notification of Label Change per PR Notice 2007-4 Dear Mr. LaRocca, (. With this submission, Bayer Environmental Science notifies EPA of Label Changes to bring the subject products into compliance with PR Notice 2007-4, including the
Tempo Ultra WP | Tempo Ultra WSP - diypestcontrol Tempo Ultra WP and Tempo Ultra WSP are odorless wettable powder insecticides containing 10% Cyfluthrin. As members of the pyrethroid family of insecticides, they are extremely effective on a wide variety of insects. Not only can they be used for household pest control, they are also an outstanding lawn and garden insecticides.
PDF FRONT Tempo® SC Ultra Premise Spray is a liquid formulation containing 1 lb active ingredient per gallon, which wil l provide effective knockdown and residual control of the pests listed in this label. Tempo ® SC Ultra Premise Spray is intended for use as a general surface, spot, mist, or crack and
PDF Bayer Environmental Science - AllPest MSDS Number: 102000016285 TEMPO® ULTRA WP INSECTICIDE MSDS Version 2.0 Page 6 of 8 Further toxicological information on technical-grade cyfluthrin can be obtained by calling the Product Information Number, which is listed in Section 1 of this MSDS. Acute Oral Toxicity male rat: LD50: 3,084 mg/kg female rat: LD50: 1,733 mg/kg Acute Dermal Toxicity
PDF Tempo Ultra WP 420 gram 03408586G 131105AV1 ETL 091715 Tempo Ultra WP 420 gram 03408586G 131105AV1 ETL 091715 2.75" 3" 02903524 03408586G 131105AV1 Net Contents 14.8 Ounces (420 Grams) INSECTICIDE For broad-spectrum control of crawling, flying, and wood infesting insect pests for indoor and outdoor surfaces, as well as insect pests of trees, landscape ornamentals, and residential and commercial lawns.
PDF Tempo Ultra WP - Western Exterminator Tempo Ultra WP 2.75" 3" 02903524 03408586G 131105AV1 Net Contents 14.8 Ounces (420 Grams) INSECTICIDE For broad-spectrum control of crawling, flying, and wood infesting insect pests for indoor and outdoor surfaces, as well as insect pests of trees, landscape ornamentals, and residential and commercial lawns.
Tempo-Ultra-WP.pdf - Pest Fog Sales This pesticide is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on crops or weeds. Do not apply Tempo® Ultra WP Insecticide or allow it to drift ...
Tempo WP Ultra Pest Control Insecticide - amazon.com Tempo Ultra WP is a wettable powder concentrate that is mixed with water and applied with a sprayer such as a 1 gallon hand pump sprayer. (sold separately) Once applied according to the label directions, Tempo Ultra WP dries and leaves a residual of active ingredient for pests to contact for 30 to 90 days.
PDF INSECTICIDE WATER SOLUBLE PACKETS - LabelSDS Apply this product only as specified CLUSTER FLY: on this label. for winter shelter. Spray siding, eaves, around windows and doors, win This pesticide is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on crops or weeds. Do not apply Tempo ®Ultra WSP or allow it to drift onto crops or weeds on which bees are actively foraging.
PDF Tempo Ultra WP Label - Reliable Pest Solutions TEMPO ULTRA WP INSECTICIDE • Wettable powder containing 10% beta-cyfluthrin 5 (Continued) PRODUCT FACTS (Continued) RE-APPLY • Every 7 to 10 days, if needed. • For turf, reapply if needed, but not more than 6 times per year. APPLICATION RESTRICTIONS • Do not water the treated area to the point of run-off. • Do not make applications during rain.
Tempo 20 WP - Bayer Mix one level scoop (9.5 g) of Tempo 20 WP per 3.75 L of water to make a 0.05% solution. For severe infestations, mix 2 level scoops (19 grams) of Tempo in 3.75L of water to make a 0.1% solution. 19 g of Tempo ® can treat 100 m 2. Always read and follow complete instructions on the product label before use.
PDF Bayer Environmental Science - DoMyOwn.com Trade name TEMPO® ULTRA WP INSECTICIDE Product code (UVP) 03545575 SDS Number 102000016285 EPA Registration No. 432-1304 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Insecticide Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Information on supplier
Product Information | LabelSDS Pesticide - 3A Summary: For control of multiple pests in and around residential and commercial structures including lawns, trees and ornamentals. NFPA GHS 1 Fire Hazard 2 Health Hazard 1 Reactivity/Instability/Physical Hazard Special Hazard (NFPA)/ Personal Protection (HMI) Exclamation Mark Irritant (skin and eye) Skin Sensitizer
Tempo Ultra WP 420 gram 03408586G 131105AV1 ETL 091715 Mix the appropriate amount of Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide with water. • May tank mix with other pesticides currently registered for.
Tempo SC Ultra - Bayer Environmental Science US Tempo 1% Dust is a ready-to-use dust that contains 1%... See product General Insect Control Tempo WP Ultra Tempo Ultra WP is the fastest-acting insect control on the... See product General Insect Control Suspend SC Advanced-generation concentrate pyrethroid for general... See product Stored Grain Sensat
Tempo Ultra WP - Where to buy Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide - 14.8 oz (420 ... Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide - 14.8 oz (420 g) is a wettable powder and contains cyfluthrin that provides quick knockdowns and long lasting residual actions will insure that you only have to spray every two to three months. Active ingredient : Cyfluthrin -- 10% • Makes up to 42 gallons of finished spray solution for indoors. (420 g size)
Tempo Ultra WP Insecticide - DoMyOwn Tempo Ultra WP is a pyrethroid-based insecticide that is highly effective at controlling a broad range of insect pests, especially those found on turf and ...
Tempo WP Ultra Insecticide Product Bayer Tempo Ultra WP is the fastest-acting insect control on the market with broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests like the emeral ash ...
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